India's First Ever Smart Homes Conference
Presented by Cubical Laboratories.
A Peak into the Event.
Comprehensive Control of your Home Security
Right on your Fingertips.
Your home is your intimate possession, and we are here to help you manage it better. With Cubical, you can now control your electrical devices, Manage your home security and moderate your electrical consumption from anywhere in the world through our easy to use app on your smartphone.
What’s more? You can now experience all this luxury without burning a hole in your pocket.!
Switch on/off all your electrical appliances (Light, Fan, A.C, TV, Geysers etc.) with your smartphone from anywhere.
Powered with proprietary Protocol Cube-R, Cubical offers the fastest smart home experience with a latency of only 200 mili seconds.
Completely Fool-Proof and Wireless Home security with 3 Years of Battery Life.
Switches 2.0 come with 40 % reduced size yet capable of controlling heavy loads.
Our Switches track electricity consumption of each device in real-time & collect this data for further analysis.
Cubical Home Automation can be integrated with Amazon Echo and Google Home. Now control your home using voice commands.
Clip and Connect Technology enables our switch modules to be installed behind any switchboard within 10 minutes.
Get a hands on experience by setting limits, priority and segregating appliances, the way you like.
The organized interface makes things work like a charm and you get used to the new control in no time.
Demo Rooms
Devices Booked
It's very convenient that I can automate not just the appliances but schedule daily tasks. Cubical has definitely made my life a lot easier.
- Pamit Singh
This product has definitely made my life easier in a way which i could not have imagined before buying it.
- Mr. Vineet Wadhwa (Faridabad)
The most impressive part is innovation merged with excellent customer service for which i would like to give a pat on the back of the entire team. Cubical has made my life very convenient and i am proud to be part of this family. I wish them all the very best for their future developments.
- Mr. Girish Vengurlekar (Mumbai)
I have been using Cubical for an year and it works like a charm.
- Innupreet Singh Pahwa
It's great that we can access our home from anywhere which is real convenient also the team caters to after sales services very professionally !
- Gargi Diwakar , Delhi
” It aims to disrupt the hardware industry as a pioneer in India’s home automation segment. ”
Business Line, The Hindu
” Delhi-based Cubical labs, is also eyeing the affordable segment. “
The Week
” Incubated in IIT Guwahati, Cubical Labs provides wireless home automation to remotely control your homes “